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Cover-Pools distributes its products through authorized dealers. By entering this website you acknowledge that you are in possession of proprietary and confidential trade materials belonging to Cover-Pools Incorporated. By entering this website you must consider all information and materials provided to you to be confidential information. You promise not to use, disclose or otherwise distribute any confidential information without the express written consent of Cover-Pools Incorporated.

If you would like to become a Cover-Pools dealers, visit Become a Dealer or call Cover-Pools 800-447-2838.

Please Log In

To obtain a Login or if you have forgotten your password, contact Cover-Pools by calling 800-447-2838 or email

Cover-Pools online ordering system allows you to place orders instantly over the Internet. Order automatic systems, fabric replacements, parts, and UPB boxes. You can also view and track submitted orders.

Google Chrome Install and Settings for the Online Ordering

Watch a tutorial on recommended browser settings and first-time login information
Google Chrome Install and Settings